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DeChamplain Home Team


As the DeChamplain Home Team, we pride ourselves on being top-tier real estate consultants. We harness our collective expertise, experience, and established connections to elevate our clients beyond their real estate dreams. Our primary focus revolves around guiding and educating clients at every step of their journey.

Jeff DeChamplain, a respected figure in the local business scene, brings a wealth of industry connections to our team. Partnering with us instantly links clients to a network of local business professionals, giving them a unique advantage. We’re wholeheartedly dedicated to navigating clients through their buying or selling experiences with the utmost in service, integrity, empathy, and efficiency. Jeff’s roots in San Diego, stemming from his graduation from San Diego State University in 1988, have deeply ingrained his understanding of the communities he specializes in. His enduring relationships and client service trace back to 2002.

Jennifer Lego has been an integral part of our team since 2011. Her comprehensive command of contracts and transactions, coupled with her adept facilitation skills, guarantees a seamless and successful closure of escrow. Whether it’s guiding first-time buyers or seasoned investors, Jennifer excels in tailoring solutions that precisely match their unique needs. Her ultimate goal is to nurture lifelong clients within an environment built on trust, dedication, and exceptional service.

Our success, marked by over 75% of our business coming from referrals, stems from our unwavering commitment to achieving our clients’ goals. Our accolades are a result of consistently surpassing expectations and continually going above and beyond to fulfill our mission.

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